4 reviews for Alur Bible

  1. 5 out of 5

    onenrwoth jimmy

    alur bible

    • shop_uganda

      Hello Jimmy, are you interested in getting an Alur Bible?

  2. 5 out of 5

    Ongierchan Walter

    Very good i need one

  3. 5 out of 5

    Bruce Ramsland

    I’d like to setup a funding site in the US to purchase Alur Bibles to be shipped to a missionary friend in Uganda. What will be our total cost in US Dollars per Bible (or discounted bundle costs) and does you site accept US credit card payments directly or do we have to go through other payment channels?

  4. 3 out of 5

    Bruce Ramsland

    Your email address is not valid at this time. Is it just that your serversers are down?

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